Fay Slimm.

New Kind.



New Kind.


Created by almighty Love\'s hand
to enjoy who I am
I try to grow daily in admiration
of my own being.

Not ashamed of known truth
no more do I strive
to be faceless, grey-souled and
helpless with need

on the real me I want to feed.


I am Passion revived.

Glad overtaking regret pulsates

with force of survival.

Smiles infuse drab, attract things
which delight and
freely transport reasons to find
broader highlights in

my recently made-over eyes.


I know zest should never belong
to anything joyless.


Passively yielding appears now
to defile aims 
of fresh Self who quite buoyant yet
subtle inside sees
need of commitment to more 

firming empowerment.


Heartbeat submitting to nothing
but pleasure of giving,
I willingly celebrate my second version 
mirrored in small 

beginnings of person-improvement yet
whom Love is revealing.


Recycled I may be but I like
the idea of this freer, more enlightened 

new kind-of-me.