Accidental Poet




Quite often I get flashbacks

Of my younger days

How I used to be so shy

Till I grew into bolder ways


When Carl Yastrzemski swung his bat

And Bobby Orr scored that winning goal

Crusin’ all night

To that good ole Rock & Roll


What happened to the party boy

That I used to be

And where did the years go

Leaving me with grey hairs I see


My days now, all about work

Tedious and routine

Nightime I lay low

At home quiet and serene


It used to be

My Friday and Saturday nights

I’d go through a full tank of gas

Rockin’ and Rollin’ till early morning light


Now Friday and Saturday

I’m in bed by 10 P.M.

Too pooped to pop

Not the firecracker I was back then


Aah, but I love those flashbacks

Glimpses of back in the day

When I was foot loose and fancy free

Not caring if my long hair got in the way


Yes, my younger days

Are my comfort zone

And crusin’ is still my pastime

Even if I don’t leave my home


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2014