
Rapture of the Redeemed

Tune: St Gertrude

(\'Onward, Christian Soldiers\')

Revelation 7 v.9-17


1. Lo, a multitude great

Of a blessed state

Number uncountable

Clothed in white robes all

Palms in hands they carried

Christ their living Head

This their cry with voices loud

\'Midst the holy crowd



Salvation to God who

Sits on throne, His due

And to Chris the Lamb true

Praises e\'er renew


2. And all angels joining

Myriads, they sing

And for beasts, twenty-four

Elders too adore

God who sits on His throne

Each one to Him known

Falling on their faces

Praise Him for graces - Chorus


3. Thus they worshipped, saying

Amen, God is King

Blessing, wisdom, glory

Be all His now, see

And too honour, power

And might every hour

To God for ever, ever

Praises cease never - Chorus


4. Elder said, Wh are these?

Tell me if you please

Who arrayed in robes white?

They the sons of light

Elder his own answer

Did to John confer

Saying, these are they who

Washed their robes anew - Chorus


5. From great tribulation

They came out, have shown

That they have their robes washed

Enemies have squashed

Made robes white in the blood

Of the Lamb, the flood

Sparkling fountain, sin\'s stain

Cleanses, none remain - Chorus


6. Therefore they with God are

With Him, not afar

Serve Him each day and night

In His Temple bright

And He among them dwells

Each His glory tells

Hungry, thirsty, ne\'er be

Through eternity - Chorus


7. The Lamb in midst of throne

Calls them all His own

He Christ, God\'s only Son

Victory has won

He shall them feed, them lead

Meet their every need

To living waters founts

Tears gone on joy\'s mounts - Chorus