
trumpy\'s Republican Platform

He\'s A Pedophile President

In love with himself, and the Republican Party

He says healthcare is not for me, cause\' I have cancer and that I should just die

I say wow to the Economic recovery, more tax cuts for the wealthy whore\'s

trump says jobs, low pay, part time, no benifits, all money to the wealthy

Get outta here with womans rights, let\'s get back to the fifty\'s

And civil rights was fine and dandy back there in the fifty\'s,

And the gay\'s, they should go back into hiding like it was back in the fifty\'s

Social Security was taxes paid, to give to wall Street, not to help the poor or the disabilty

And energy, frack baby frack, so go have a seat and stop sniffling

The environment is just great, destroy it one well at a time

The National debt is bullshit, just cut programs and buy more weapons, that\'ll be just fine

Donald knows wall Street Reform, just give the banks all of control

And we no being a moron is great, unending debt, with Donald as our pedophile President,  In control of our now white country

I just want to be a moron, cause morons are a blast

The Republican platform will bring back white power, from the days of our past