Evan Miller

Magic Itself (In King James and Modern English)

Ne’er hath I seen such a sun as bright as thy smile,

Nor hath I seen a view with beauty such as thine.

Many a day do I looketh at the pastures and streams,

At the trees and nature itself,

But ne’er once hath I seen a beauty worthy of comparison with thine.

Thy kindness is as prominent as the moon

On a cloudless night at the strike of the midnight hours

Thy voice is that of an angelic, celestial being,

One of which rivals the Sirens themselves.

A spirit so fiery warm, that it comes into comparison

Only with lightning itself.

Prithee, for today, thee have been appraised in this way,

Not only for thy beauty, but for what is inside of thee.

Ne’er should you forgetteth, that thee is as whimsical

As magic itself.


Never have a seen such a sun as bright as your smile,

Not have I seen a view with beauty such as yours.

Many times do I look at the pastures, streams,

At trees and nature itself,

But never one have I seen a beauty worthy of comparison with yours.

Your kindness is as prominent as the moon

On a cloudless night at the strike of the midnight hours.

Your voice is that of an angelic, celestial being,

One which rivals the Sirens themselves.

A spirit so fiery warm, that it comes into comparison

Only with lightning.

I pray today, you have been appraised,

Not only for your beauty, but for what is inside.

Never should you forget, you are as whimsical

As magic itself.