
Subversion of Babes

Subvert inspiration, clawing words on the throats of barley babes. 

Thrust out of paradise their first flight, into infernos for faults inherited.  

Hellions grab the chubby ankles as they fly, invading the subconscious minds,  

Baptised in lurid dreams of death; black vines, feasting on hopes and dreams. 

Bathed in angst as the flowers blossom underneath and souls are ripened. 


Gripping to hope concerning demons withdrawing their plan to destroy our sanity 

For the Babes light has faded long ago, the chubby glare replaced by luminous jealousy  

For those who still possess the rosy glow.  

Gripping onto belief that it\'s all temporary, petals ripped from the secret self  

As hope is a waste of the mind.  

For those Hellions never let go.