Accidental Poet

Shhh, Listen


I’m told I have the gift to write

And who am I to argue, maybe their right


To them, thankyou I must say

And also to angels within at work and play


To write, I must listen

Of words in my heart surely written


Sometimes I’ll finish prose started months ago

Or from start to finish, just an hour or so


But it’s my belief we all have this gift

Hidden in your heart, waiting on your viewpoint to shift


To express that which inspires you

The miracle of love and heartache too


As a young boy

I longed for not the usual toy


But for words to share

Like lyrical thoughts aloft in the air


So now I must write

No matter the hour, sometimes till very late at night


I’ll write it all down

Full of adjectives, verbs and nouns


It’s all there waiting on poetic birth

Your feelings and all their beautiful worth


The shy voice inside

Given faith, it will overcome the urge to hide


If you allow yourself to listen

To your heart of all you otherwise would be missin’


I beg of you to try

Express what’s in your heart and why


The writing bug will let you know if you’ve been bitten

Shhh, listen


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2006