
I\'m Staying

I\'m Staying

I died today, you\'ve yet to notice
You know sometimes I lose my focus
I was not in my head at the time
The drive thru window shorted me a buck and a dime
I ran a light and a truck smashed into me
I could see myself in the front seat
But I was standing in the street
I saw the truck driver checking on me
Then drop and start crying with his head on his knee
I put my hand on his shoulder and said it was fine
But he couldn\'t hear me, I left And went up the incline
I walked back into town as other vehicles whizzed by
I just wanted to get back to you so I could say goodbye
I saw others like me as I walked all alone
Just as lost and confused as me, all wandering home
I didn\'t try to talk to them, I had deeper concerns
Like hating myself for never having learned
You always told me to be careful when I drive
If I had only listened, I would be alive
So now here I am, wishing you could see me
I wish I wasn\'t so foolhardy
I want to be there to comfort you when you learn what I\'ve done
And hope you don\'t drink yourself to death, hun
I know you need me, even though I passed away
So I\'m not walking into the light, I\'m gonna stay
I\'ve made up my mind; heaven or hell can wait
I\'m gonna spend eternity next to my mate
I know you would advise against me dodging the end
But I only want to remain with you, my best friend
I will be here to watch you grow old
And I hope you move on and don\'t face life alone
Even though you can\'t hear what I\'m saying
I want you to be happy, and to see to it, I\'m staying

LukeCoomer ©