


(c) 2017 Edward York


I thought that I would get in shape,

So I went and joined a gym.

A trainer met me at the door,

And said to follow him.


He wanted to help me get at ease,

And be comfortable I suppose.

He suggested that I always wear,

Some soft loose fitting clothes.


I almost laughed out loud at that,

Maybe I should make it clear;

If I had any loose fitting clothes,

I would not be coming here.


We started out with jumping jacks,

Until I twisted my left knee.

And all that jumping up and down,

Just made me have to pee.


We decided to try and lift some weights,

He showed me where to stand,

But then I tripped on the barbell set,

And fell and broke my hand.


Things have improved and I am so glad,

That I gave it my best try.

Now I have cake and candy too,

As garnish on my pie.