
Emily\'s Rose

From where i am I cannot give you a beautiful rose
So i hope this poem will do-

With the first petal of the rose, 
Remember the night we met,
I didn’t want my eyes to close
I never will forget

The second petal of the rose
The first time that we kissed
Head to head and nose to nose
We knew that this was it

The third petal of the rose
The night we first made love
Hearts were filled and overflowed
You fit me like a glove

And with the fourth petal of the rose
Remember how it felt
The times we fought and took some shots
That hit below the belt

The fifth petal of the rose 
Is for the way we laughed
When you said jump but goodness knows 
I fell right on my back

The sixth petal of the rose 
Is bound to be the last
Now a thorny stem is all that\'s left
And you can shove it up your ass