Gayathri Priya




After all that toil and all that rue,

Life will bid you it\'s haughty adieu,

And death will set in silently like a drop of dew,

Welcomed only by a humble few.


The world will stare in memoriam,

Talk of what you did and didn\'t;

You\'ll jeer while peering upon them,

Rendering your unheeded hint,


That in death there is peace,

That there is \'evasion\';

From that of life 

And it\'s unending strife.

That you\'ll be free,

From all duty,

From every spree 

And be happy.


Of all that toil and all that rue,

There were these memories too,

Some that took your breath away,

Some that you lived in 

And those that will live on,

Some always, forever, no matter what;

And some those dwelling sort,

That make Time itself fall short!!


But now that the eternal tide sets in,

O human! You are washed away by death,

Thus all the memories of you..

How ever many or few

With a little \'move on\',

Shall go into bits, all askew.


But rest assured, O friend,

For death isn\'t the end..

You will be given enough purpose

To be grateful to the Earth that bore you..


You will be life again,

With a plant or two rising from you

You\'ll fuel Earth again 

With every bit of flesh left in you,

You will serve like never before,

Justifying all that\'s been and will be you.

All you have to do is wait for death,

As, of all that toil and all that rue,

Life has given you just confusion,

But in death you will be all, you will be great, you will be beyond, 

And best of all, you will be immortal too...