
Save the Day

Save the Day

I just wanna save the day
All work, no play
Rip the buttons out my shirt, up up and away
Go toe to toe with a train
I\'m gonna save that damsel
Leave her hero struck and dazzled
And her hair a little frazzled
Break a asteroid in space
Before it hurts the human race
Round house kick a tornado
Into the constellation dorado
Moving so fast though
Everyone\'s like where did he go
Save a cruise ship from pirates like I\'m the captain now
Black eyes and busted lips, boom, pop, blow
I\'d go over to North Korea, give Kim Jong a swirly
And let them shoot missiles at me
Until they realize they can\'t harm me
Then scoop that army
Launch them into the stars
It\'s better then bars
Get all the cats out the trees
Straits up all of my eats
Grateful old lady treats
And when I was full, before I\'d go
I\'d help that old lady cross the road
Strait up true blue boy scout
I\'d save this world without a doubt
My name they\'d all scream and shout
This planet would be safe, no evil could touch us
I would bring the gift of true justice
Let\'s make it happen, what\'s left to discuss

LukeCoomer ©