
Write Something

I wanted to sit down and write something inspiring.
Something that would make you think
I wanted it to do some brain rewiring
Something to reconnect the broken links.
I wanted to sit down and write something true
Something that everyone has thought about
I wanted it to speak to all of you
Something that no one could ever doubt
I wanted to sit down and write something from the heart
Something that everyone could feel
I wanted it to give the world a jump start
Something that is truly real
I wanted to sit down and write something from within
Something that comes from the soul
I wanted it to show you how to begin
Something that would make everyone whole
I wanted to sit down and write something with love
Something that would bring everyone joy
I wanted it to make you feel free as a dove
Something to make the world create and not destroy
I wanted to sit down and write something
But this was the only thing that came to mind
I guess it’s better than nothing
Words are getting harder to find.