Accidental Poet

Reflection of Beauty


Be it in my eyes that I see such beauty

Be it in my heart that I feel such passion

Then with sincerity I endeavor to reach you

To touch your innermost core

Open your eyes to what you’ve never noticed

Fill your heart with inspiration to look again

Wasn’t it there all along?

A reflection of beauty


The chapters of my life, now middle aged

The days of my heart all numbered and paged

My heart like a factory of photographs and rhyme

What I see, hear and feel, all the passion combined

Re-acquaint yourself anew

See a reflection of beauty within you

For the magnificent view you see on the outside

You’d not see unless it were part of you on the inside


So now let us walk

Through forests filled with Mother Nature’s voice

Along seashore at dawn’s first light

Lose yourself in the depths of a quiet sunset

Find yourself in the wagging tail of a four-legged friend

Look with all seeing eyes

Hear with finely tuned ears

Feel with receptive heart


Let the beauty you see

Remind you of yourself internally

For there in your heart

Were the answers from the start

We live in a world where

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder to share

So please, look and you’ll see what I see

Your reflection of beauty


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2005