Sunflowers Bloom

The beginning

He is something like fresh air.


different, I can\'t put my finger on it


hidden, I like the way he livin

saved .

In church, I saw the way he praised 

and I had to repent from losing focus in the midst of worship.

It\'s funny how two people can be in each other\'s presence for years and not know one day  I\'ll be interested in him or her

the mystery of it all is so exciting , like where would it take us and where will it end . 

We talk everyday

I love it,

find myself expecting him to text and if he doesn\'t , I will 


Like little burst of sunlight he is and me a shadowy hole full of sunflowers must start to let him in .

get use to the sunlight . I don\'t know how these flowers survived this long without no air to breathe, no sun to shine . Crickets have been taking over the night . But today , today I thought   I saw a butterfly .