
Beautiful Bounties

Tune Name and Hymn: All for Jesus

Acts 3 v.1-16 parts


Peter and John went to Temple

At the ninth hour*, prayer\'s call  (*3pm)

There at gate Beautiful men laid

Lame man, and there alms were made


Lame was he from day he was born

Enduring each day, each morn

Seeing Peter, John, asked an alms

Thus his daily need becalms


Peter, John, did upon him look

Yet no alms from them he took

For silver and gold they had none

But had life of Christ the Son


This to him they sure imparted

Bringing true, whole-hearted

In name of Jesus he was healed

Life revealed and not concealed


Then he leaped and stood and walking

Praised God for each gracious thing

Bt faith of Jesus he [was] made sound

Healing grace in Him he found