
Comfort in Her

There\'s a certain comfort about her,
Some level of normality so serene to the fact that we\'ve only just started talking like this,
Around her I let my walls fall down,
My ancient temple guards free to go on break,
Free to go do as they please,
Because they now,
Became completely unrequired,
Her comfort is different,
Like someone kicked up the temperature on my since long cold heart,
And put the room at a cool 70°,
Just the right temperature,
She broke off the ice,
dusted off my heart\'s frost,
And now,
She warms me up,
Inside and out,
My heart almost a warm as my chest after one of her jumping hugs,
My smile almost as bright as the light that she once thought blinded her snake,
My mind twisting,
In thought of her,
Thought of us,
Thought of that rooftop in downtown Ann Arbor,
Or that park near our school,
Thought of time we\'ve had,
And time we haven\'t yet,
Because again,
There\'s a certain comfort about her,
The way she walks,
Hides her face after any compliment,
Hugs me,
The way she grabs my hand,
It holds it tight,
How she won\'t let me let hers go,
There\'s comfort in all of it,
But the one thing I find the most comfort in,
Is the sound of her delicate \"I love you too,\"
There\'s a certain comfort about her,
And I love it.