Swimming in a sea of emotions
Without a practice in the pool
Shedding tears on the inside
The tears of a fool
Standing by a headstone
Wishing addiction hadn’t took your Mom
All the while blaming yourself
The tears of a Son
Wishing you could have made a difference
Looking to the heavens asking why
Tears of unimaginable pain
Tears that never dry
Look how well he\'s coping
\"He\'s so strong\" people would remark
I couldn\'t cry at the funeral
Cursed with the tears of a shark
Family members you thought you could trust
Full of empty promises and smiles
They think they are so perfect
The tears of a crocodiles
To be ruthless and unscrupulous
Laughter at the wake
Except when I was watching
The tears of a snake
To move on with life you have to smile
Even when you\'re feeling down
Hiding true emotions behind a happy face
The tears of a clown
In order to survive in this world
When you feel you just can\'t cope
Let the sunshine in to warm your face
Feel the light of hope
Grief hits you in waves
When it does the feeling\'s quite profound
Tears are meant to be shed
Not locked in your head
Let them flow or you may drown