Accidental Poet



Cars, trucks and motorbikes

All hurrying along, drivers in their own little world

Sipping coffee, eyes on the vehicle ahead

From the radio, a DJ babbles on and on

Weather reports and traffic jams

No matter what button be pushed

In the middle of the road, another fatality

Morning roadkill from previous encounters with fate

Nocturnal wonderings unknowingly their last

As the sun comes up and the daily life resumes

A seagull sees his breakfast so scrumptious on the pavement

He circles ever closer to his early morning meal

Closing in with flapping wings

Along come 18 wheels of terror

A hysterical laugh that trails off into the distance

An odd noise of feathered call

Wings still flapping, and circling near by


A break in traffic brings new confidence

Again he closes in for another attempt

Closer, closer, and closer still

Landing gear down and ready to pounce

Then again, flaps his wings

And just escapes the fate of his prey

Back to circling and waiting on chance

All clear he hovers so near

Getting hungrier with every second that ticks by

Again, closer, closer and closer

OH SHIT! Back to the air

Another car motors past

Then slows down to park in front of a store

The driver goes inside then returns

Only to find a big white splat on the car’s roof


He sees the seagull flying away

A cackling noise fading into the distance



Copyright © Accidental Poet 2002