
Friendship Fondness

Tune: Oh how I love Jesus

(\'There is a name I love to hear\')


Jesus, constant companion

Who leaves the sheep not one

But seeks the lost, though they have strayed

Need no more be afraid



Jesus, He is Saviour and Lord

He ever has the living word

His love it reaches unto all

All on His name may call


You leave us not, our help and guide

Within us you reside

By your Spirit, holy is He

Our comfort, strength He be - Chorus


Choosing to give your life that we

From our sins be set free

You forgive, restore, make us whole

In body, spirit, soul - Chorus


May our hearts be moulded to you

Know you compassions new

Each fresh new day along your way

Stay with us, we do pray - Chorus


And trusting that you faithfully

Shall stay, and our needs see

Provide for us our daily bread

By you our Shepherd led - Chorus


Change us where hard, impenitent

Grant gace that we repent

Tun to you in commitment sure

Friends with you evermore - Chorus