Accidental Poet

We’re Going Home

To all our service women and men deceased and living,

for your service and your sacrifice,



We’re going home

Home, where we’ve never been

Yes, we were was born there

But we weren’t soldiers then


We’ll go home

To different places

It won’t be easy

To hide the war on our faces


The battlefield we’ve seen

The look of horror at every turn

In the midst of gunfire everywhere

Oh, the pain that burns


How does a soldier

Return to a tranquil life

To loving families

Raise beautiful kids with adoring wife


Will the war ever end

The memories in our head

All of us soldiers

We share a common thread


Some of our sisters and brothers

Will go home in a body bag

And to their families

A folded American flag


The casualties on both sides

Weights upon our souls

Forever a soldier grieves

For the soldier’s life he stole


But we’re all strong

Together, we’ll stand proud

We served our country

The only way we knew how


And every time we see that flag

And the faces at every door

It’s then we remember

All that we fought for


Yes, we’re going home

Where there’s blue skies above

The United States of America

The land that we love


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2011