O.G. Tone

@ Tiny Miracle ..(!)

There was this loud shot that ran through

My Head!

My arm fell to the ground

M eyes automatically closed down

I tried to imagine what had just happened

Then my over worked brain

Slowed down

Something strange had severed the

Main connection

That separates my prayers in thoughts

My sciatic nerve

Sends a 911!

Distress call to the rest of my body

That an unknown intruder

Has made its entrance through my air restricted way

Cutting off my main source

Of natural Co2

Causing my once healthy heart

To turn blue

Pumping a massive amount of blood

Into my bare chest

My lungs blew up like a

Bouquet of balloons

My eyes were opened wide

I clinched my fist tight

A random movies starts to articulate

Images of the passed in present

My future wasn\'t clear at this point of my life

I faintly remember

Several problems that had attached

Its self to my subconsciousness

Revealing some childhood issues that has been

lingering in the matrix

I suddenly felt a strong detachment

from my body?

I felt my self kneel before a vibrant light

I was in the spiritual realm

I was telling God?

I wasn\'t prepared to die like this!

The lord said unto me

My son!

Within my home are many mansions

I said father I am a true believer in your faith

But I know its not my turn

I suddenly awakened in a altered state of mind

talking in tongues

A large tube in my throat

Another in my head

A soft voice whispered to me

Bless be you my son

I opened one eye to see the voice speaking to me

There wasn\'t nobody there

But ..(GOD) ..In myself

 In knew there wasn\'t a doctor around

I had to be sure I was with faith

I started to get better

Right after those soft words that

God ...had spoke unto me

I remember it was Christmas night

I was sleeping in my bed

When I felt something split my head into

I remember a commotion taking place outside my window

I remember a loud sound

I also remember being dead for a real second

But the thing I remember the most is the

Tiny Miracle from ..God