Poetic Dan

Knock knock

Devastation at my door
My son told me his inner thoughts
Ones so hard to bear
Of hating a man he has to call dad

I teach to always respect
But this respect it must be earned
He feels this is not the case
With the entities in his space

The words he chose when getting back
Reflected the raw emotions he has
Sadly they did not agree or understand

Within the blink of an eye
A door is now in our way
Physical Contact cut
One phone call a day
Even that is monitored
Causing us both to be nervous

Stuck looking at the invisible door
My two worlds get blown apart from me
As my daughters last tear imprinted on my face

Time will continue to tell
What lasting effects this will have
My head maybe low but my shoulders are strong
Confident in the bond I have with my children, can not be broken by any body but me or them.

With these words I strengthen that bridge
Wishing for no fighting but to understand and coexist

We are all speaking our truths
To my children, never stop speaking yours.