
Broken Love


look back at their first



fondly. As if that encounter 

shaped their 

entire love life like


The beginning of a fairy tale.


My first love/ if you can call it love/ we were two broken/ I a shattered glass jar/ & he/ a shredded teddy bear/We slid into one another’s souls/ trying to fix/ each other’s hurt.


We loved one another since we could 

Not love ourselves. Suffering bled into our

Poetry kisses


And almost-love.


I said earlier/he/ a shredded/ Teddy Bear/ his eyes were/chocolate/ & childlike sweetness/ lolled with/pang of death/& torment of/‘I want to die too.’


I/ a brittle glass jar/intent on always/keep everything in/ but/ they slid from my glass fingertips/& I shattered my fragile/glass heart/ against the wall/ to stop/ feelings of/ ‘I want to die to __’/ etc.


People (I) look back at

their (my) first love fondly.

