Panic Attack

Ive heard it called drowning, 

Like the whole world caving in.

Or falling into the depths of despair,

Deeper than you\'ve ever been.


I don\'t feel like I\'m falling, 

I know exactly where I am. 

The thoughts they just keep coming, 

They don\'t give a damn. 


After a few minutes, 

The thoughts just suddenly stop.

It becomes impossible to breathe,

Like my body just, forgot. 


A new level of panic is reached, 

It\'s now I could swear I will die. 

The thoughts so lost in panic breaths,

I can\'t even remember why.


What set it off in the beginning, 

Does it matter? Why do you ask?

Just tell me it\'ll be over soon, 

That it isn\'t going to last. 


In the vice of this deep panic, 

Nothing else seems worthwhile.

And yet minutes later I promise, 

I can face the world with a smile. 


Even if you knew me, 

You\'d probably never see, 

How minutes earlier I was, 

More panic than I was me.


When the panic did set in,

If you were unlikely around, 

Be sure, you didn\'t see it all, 

Years of practice, I know how to play it down. 


So if the goals to hide, 

Like it never did exist. 

What\'s the point on telling you, 

Something I really hoped you\'d missed. 


I really want you to understand, 

It is as irrational to me as to you. 

When the panic is alive within me. 

I just don\'t know what to do.