kevin browne

A Way Of Life.


Silly ideas appear enticing
when things we do are fake
like lie a lot and lose the plot
grant the things we take
A way of life has spoken

Standing tall paves a way
when things we do are winning
place a prize on the rise
It\'s of faith that we believe in
A way of life has given

Serving justice opens doors
When things we do are wrong
Another crime a waste of time
Whilst gospel sing a song
A way of life has stolen

Stretching out for help
When things we do are tough
Scream and shout let it out
Maybe in the rough?
A way of life has crashed

Sunshine shows its glow
When things we do are brightened
Take a bow when God said now
Then became enlightened
A way of life has prayed

Something somewhere happened
When things we do are history
Painted picture, works of literature
A \'Mona Lisa\' mystery
A way of life has observed

Stake a look in graves
When things we do are dying
Took a life from his knife
Mother started crying
A way of life has taken

Second world war 2
When things we do are evil
Shot a child turn to wild
Everything illegal
A way of life has killed

Second seal was open
When things we do are Heaven
Half an hour turn to flower
Built up by creation
A way of life has shown

Slightly mad straight jackets
When thing we do are bonkers
Lost the plot quite a lot
Giving back the conkers
A way of life has medicine

Silence in a mother
When things we do are soft
cry a tear for me dear
With everything on top
A way of life has loving

Strong facts for children
When things we do are mistreated
Social welfare\'s, who cares?
Nothing gets completed
A way of life has starved

Still will come an ending
When everything has gone
Total space, what a waste
By the atom bomb
A way of life has vanished

Stop it now
Learn again
With winning, new beginning
No one else to blame
A way of life has renewed.