
At a moments notice

At a moments notice this stalking heart

beckons to affections fallen short.

To once again soak in loves blissful-art,

yet to feel a thing is to pay a debt in part

still to refrain is much more dark

so, only once more will i lend my mind a heart.


Assured by lovers assurest rights,

true love and i one this calm night.

Thoughts, hopes, dreams, our mirror plight;

starred skies above waters gleaming sight.

Their drifting oblivious to oblivions dithering fright

or the very scheming pressures of worldly might.


Yet, what a pity to allow the heart

to scour the past of such a worn start.

To lay or lean against a revolving door

of what we did? thought? felt?- nevermore.

All now lies, our triadic metaphor.


So, I turn from passionate western skies

pull and rend my heart deep from bodily seat-

whisper: sleep-sleep-sleep.