My life is a desert far reaching dry and full of anger as hot as the midday sun. There\'s one person that make all of that go away. She makes an oasis with beautiful trees with thick shade to protect me from the heat. She\'s like water for everything she touches becomes vibrant. Everything just has so much vitality. She is my sustenance in this place. The one who keeps me alive in this dry wasteland. Radiant in a paradise that flourishes with everything I could ever want. The one who brings vigor to it all. She is the nourishment for everything in my desert. Sadly water can only be held on to for so long before it slips through the cracks in our fingers. But she\'s so precious that I can\'t get enough. I\'m slowly dehydrating without her. The shade is slowly ceasing to exist. The vehemence is coming back but I have nothing to keep her around for I am a desert with nothing but an oasis. But my oasis is slowly fading away as we drift apart. Soon there will be nothing but sand and the sun once again. For I am nothing but a desert far reaching dry and a loathing as hot as the midday sun. Waiting for the day water once again enters my life. For the oasis it brings and the life it gives. Then I shall be complete once more.