

I shiver in the cold spring night
Delicate buds on my fingertips 
Desperate for morning\'s light

Daffodils dance at my roots
As the fresh spring sunshine
Beckons my timid shoots

As leaves begin to sprout
They warm my weathered bark
Now that Spring is out

I shelter children playing below
From the hot summer sun
As I stretch and I grow

Bees buzz in jovial June
Gardeners milling around me
As they pamper and prune 

The days slowly diminish
Children\'s laughter fades
Now Summer\'s due to finish

And soon the biting frost
Will nip away at my blanket
Until my leave\'s are lost

Eventually I\'m naked again
Stood on a red carpet
Sodden in the rain

Until snow lulls me to sleep
I will awake on a warmer day
From my slumber deep