


The Red-Winged Black-birds have returned to their perches amongst cat-tails outside the fence at Marquette. They sing with such poise,grace and self-confidence. I cant help to think its by beautiful design; these songs quickly and deeply touch me in a way, I forget my troubles.

You cause me to forget my troubles!

Recently, i caught the fragrance of a banana.I found myself recalling a footprint in time. You were small next to me on our porch bench; your feet fell short of the deck. They swung happily satisfied. Summer air slipped between us-Summer sun fell upon us. Your smile,gleaming,growing behind a banana. My heart,swelling,sailing with self-confidence. I hope you understand I\'ve learned something I had not understood earlier in life; that its all by beautiful design. Every memory has meaning every meeting has its time, its purpose. I have a purpose to be your father, your protector, your champion; a Red-wing Black-bird in the sky. Such lucidity should never be squandered. Oh daughter! I shall never squander mine!