kevin browne

Melody For The Moon..

In London\'s great Royal Albert Hall, an orchestra started dancing
With fluid forward motions from Mozart\'s violin concerto no: 3
From treble bass to piano strings played a melody for the moon
Vibrating down on a world full of advisable promising chords soon
Love has spoken revealing the tenderly devoted poem written 
Touching upon her heart the greatest halls and heartthrob poets
Victorian art hangs upon a wall filled with romantic lonely lovers
Rosy cheeks and ink dipped lips are Shakespeare\'s love of sonnets
Where one day a church spoke to say love is a beautiful thing
Wedding bells just turn to rust when fools plot a feeling of unjust
Picked by a rose garden with enticing urges sprouting petals
Italians are tilting over by leaning on one more homemade wine
French aristocrats are falling head over in love again and again
A pain has travelled a thousand kisses deep just to have it sung
Placed in her hair a tulip sings in Amsterdam for sad Van Gogh
When love jumps from 10.000 ft a parachute from Venus drops off
And the sweet taste of summer fruits play picnic on meadow hill
Love is lost hidden deep within the hollows of a broken heart
Teardrops filled with four-leaf clovers left a shadow shining
Lustful Kings and Queens in a romantic period time of loving sex
With their packed up breasts and dealing with double dose
It was frantic and it was young when habits sniffed up nose
Stunning interventions of beauty tricked by the way she kissed
Blasting out her rhythmic heart beating thunderous claps of smoke
Where volcanic disarray erupts into evolving another lovers note
Across her heart she would write in return \'it\'s been ripped apart\'
Rivers run and spill over her, yet, leaving wonder why she still smiles?
With her wet cheek from those rainy wishes loving her instead
Which is when I found my love is dead.