Please don\'t cry, I\'ll return, I swear
For who else will show you the same kindness, love and care?
You are desired by many, but to me you belong
If it wasn\'t frowned upon by the majority, I\'d bring you along
I\'m strong enough to carry just a little extra weight
With you on my hips, no bother, just an uneven gait
But where would I hide you while at work? Under my desk?
Or in the filing cabinet? Reality, space would test
I have always preferred a bit my hand
With you at my side, I feel like nothing less, then a confident man
You\'re soft to the touch, when my fingers caress you
Makes me want to pull out my kit and experience the rest of you
Loud when I need you to be
Quiet when you\'re hands free
I\'ll leave my guns at home today, you see.