Frank Prem

child sometimes

I am like a child sometimes in the morning
when I wake to the bright of day
and imagine sun will shine on and on
with warming care and touches that I can feel
when I close my eyes and open up my skin


I am like a child sometimes in the noon time
when my sandwich takes me home
to the grease proof wrap that my mother used
and the brown paper package of lunch and love
so real I could taste it when I closed my eyes


I am like a child sometimes in the afternoon
when all I care to do is play with you
and let the dizzy day toy with me in it\'s turn
while we occupy a space oblivious
in the midst of a tumult of ordered chaos


I am like a child sometimes in the evening
when I growl with ravenous hunger
and storm through the impressions  left
upon me by hours of slog and battle
searching for quiet to balance inner noise


I am like a child sometimes in the night
when I wake in darkness disoriented
and draw sharp shock breaths
before I realize where it is that I am
and who it is that lies beside me

