K.T Williams

We are Tired

I’m tired of being tired...
I have slots where my eyes should be
My shoulders are heavy,
They have forgotten what it feels like..
to sit tall
With each step, I pick up the cinderblocks that have become my feet
My heart, oh my heart,
She is rattling in her cage, working double time
She shakes with frustration, not knowing what to do with pain within her
She’s broken and bruised
Almost to the point of exhaustion
Still she pumps, waiting for my pity
The pity, the sign, that it’s okay to finally give up
We are tired of being tired
But I don’t think we know how to be anything else
Wave after wave crashing down
The pain
The brokenness
And doubt
Waiting for the opportunity
To finally pull us under
Tired as we are we still fight
Because the only thing worse than being tiresome is the relief of cold death