
The Biophilia Effect


I close my eyes and listen

buzzing bees, beeping birds,

water crashing & splashing

in the waterfall half hidden

by a high cliff.


I open my eyes and see

heaven-touching mountains

spreading their arms to the sea

where warm waves play

till the end of day.


I smell the air, smell the aroma

the woodsy, sassy scent

of freshly kissed earth

by raindrops dancing, stomping

& rocking to the beat of rain.


I feel the warmth of sun rays

soothing my bare feet,

the wind gently stroking

my body as I read

and an ant tickling me.


I taste the smoke scented air,

wisps of blue-grey smoke

curled, slowly rising

by the wind\'s hands from

the belly of the valley below.


The waving of summer grasses,

multicolored flowers froclicking,

they jumped out at me

laughing like children

wild & carefree.


Nothing could make me

go back to the city.

I\'m done with living

in the concrete jungle

where life slowly withers.