
Power Outage

Rustling of the autumn leaves

Wind howling at the eaves

Cracking of the majestic oak

Covering us in a darkened cloak.


To our wax and wick

We set about right quick 

Then to the table we gather 

For a family game of Scrabble.


An hour has soon to pass

And still the darkness has last

As the kids we try to entertain 

To avoid hearing them complain.


The hours tick by to four

Maybe even a bit more

The degrees have dropped inside

Along with the eeriness of this night.


These conveniences we do surmise 

When without are taken by surprise 

Take these moments or hours to reflect 

How blessed we are in retrospect.


The power has now been restored 

We\'re all snuggled in for our nightly snore

Thank you MLEC electrical team

My family can now peacefully dream.


