
The Mad clock & Lonely Tick


tick tock, here comes the mad clock,

tick tock, he knocks,

tick tock, he walks,

tick tock, he talks,

tick tock, he knows,

tick tock The mad clock,

waves goodbye


tick tock the mad clock,

is now a sad clock,


all he wanted,

all he needed,

was a friend,

tick tock waves,

you smile,

he dies.



the clock goes tick,

The mad clock goes tock,


the silence that came,

was not the mad clock,

it was the sad clock,

i’m sorry,

tick tock here it comes,

tick tock it swong,

tick tock i tried,

tick tock i cried,

tick tock the mad and sad,

sorry for being the envy and angry,

tick tock you sounded,

kling klong is what i made it,

Tick tock the mad clock,

is not here,

kling klong I’m the lonely clock.

Tick clock,

is now a lonely clock.