
My Relationship with Perfectionism

Perfectionism is my greatest frenemy,

sometimes we clash as

two great warriors on a bloodstained battlefield.

Other times we embrace as old comrades

reunited in purpose.


Perfectionism has a savory scent 

of sweat and hard work and satisfaction

with hints of beauty.

He always makes me feel like

I don\'t measure up.


He battles to gain control

over my emotions and mind.

I try I try I try I try I try I try I try

to fight back and make 

him realise that


neither of us will be perfect.

He malingers in my mind, making

threats of unhappiness,

by pointing out my flaws, leaving them

barren thorns of hatred.


I scramble to the nearest bathroom, 

hopefully leaving perfectionism behind,

but he is still chasing me wherever I go.

I close the bathroom door behind me,

leaving him out.


I say to my reflection:

I love you

I love you

I love you

even if we\'re not perfect.