
What Is This..

What is this.. 

Everything is clustered, difficult to express. 

Thinking I have it all figured out, never been so wrong in my life. 

What is this.. 

Reaching to your core to remove a knife.

Nothing is there, what once was a whole piece is now found shattered. 

What is this.. 

Did it even matter. 

Cornered, shut eyes, knees to chest.

Body motions, front and back like a rocking chair.

God is this a test. 

What is this.. 

Sunk in, surrounded by porcelain, not enough pressure from the head above mine. 

Turning and turning and turning the lever, drops aren’t hitting hard enough.

Drenched from the pressure. Drenched from the crying. 

What is this.. 

Thoughts, thoughts, images.

Your physical appearance far close to class.

One day we were there now I am here full of wrath. 

Layer over layer, still not enough pressure to compress the pain. 

What is this.. 

Nausea, empty, what is it like to have more than a bite. 

Room taken over by beds, chaos from wall to wall, hurling over the toilet every night. 

River ran. Rivers dry. Imperfect person. Oh God I promise I tried. 

What is this.. 

Continuing to praise your beautiful name. For the love will always remain.

Scenarios, thoughts, words, anger, sorrow. 

What is this.. 

Clueless yesterday clueless today. In hopes to find out tomorrow.