Alexa Malyn

Ode to an accidental cunt

I have a problem thinking myself into depression

I now have scars from you too

I loved you and I love you

You left me

You told me you had a different type of love for me

That I was special

I ate up every word

The worst part about feeling my heart crumble inside me

Is knowing you are flawless

And knowing you really did nothing wrong

All you did was fall in love

With not me

And that’s no crime

But my love, oh my love

How I wish you were mine.

I see you enjoy life

I see you on a roller coaster that is going nowhere but up.

My heart hurts

My head hurts

My body hurts

I can’t lay in my bed without thinking about making you cum

I can’t pet a cute dog without thinking about you and your love

I can’t sleep at night without thinking about your laugh

your anger towards me

I see you make friends, and fall deeper in love

And as happy as I am for you

I cant help but feel an emptiness in my gut  

I crave you