O.G. Tone

G@ng$t@ !!!

I was born a bastard

On the lower East Side of Brooklyn

New York

In the Green Point Historic District

I grew up in Brown stones

Apartment Style homes

They saturate all of Brooklyn

My so called Dad was a book keeper

For the mob

My mother wore gotti hairdos

Like most Italian mothers did in those days

My brother whom was a few years older

Became a mob associate

At in early age

My sister became the neighbor hood whore

She always rebelled

Against my dad

For making her abort in un-wanted baby

In for seeking future

Child support

I became a young bad ass

After my father was outed for


He was exposed from a known informant

I rebelled at first

Then I said fuck my dad


I was going to be a gangsta anyways

With his blessings

Or not

One day I am going to be a real

Mob boss

With my own crew

That looked up to me as a king

Cadillac\'s, gotti rings, automatics machine guns

A mob crew that steal things

This is my future ambitions

I don\'t see nothing else

But this

Gangsta shit

My hopeless life is already

Planned out for me

My mothers hairdo\'s are taller then me

My older brother is a


Like I want to be

Next month is my birthday

I\'ll turn

12 years old

I hope they initiate me into the crew

Then I can finally

Tell all my friends I am

A gangsta