
Walking Realization

While walking i fell upon a sight of hands in earnest grasping

two souls time drowned and to the world still clasping.

This struck me like a shot across starred skies

and swelled me with sweet afflatus divine.


What comfort in my notion only their vessels wither with time.

Then deeply heeded; their smiling true nature,of gold faces, etched in craggy lines

and their grasp like talon upon a fishy find.


Oh how my eyes did glimpse their past initial binds!

I saw, they took quick steps, made haste decide

it was true love so hitched thee eternal ride.


But still in their bodies why do divine powers let them soak?

Realizing my egregious thought I fell to the ground so broke.


Though I view myself guarded, I\'m not above reproach.

Their here to show me my solus lends a soul no coach

and if I whish to pass to the other realm

I\'m in need of Love to help at the helm.