Actions speak louder than words

Actions matter more,
Than words ever could.
But just because I didn\'t do it.
Doesn\'t mean, I didn\'t know I should.


Actions speak louder than,
Your words surely do.
But sometimes the actions that you take.
Aren\'t the ones you wanted to.


Sometimes its not as simple,
As following desire.
Somethings that you want to do,
You can\'t. you don\'t have what they require.


And in the moments when,
What you don\'t have sets the pace.
The fire burning within you,
Becomes the one winning the race.


The anger builds, and burns away.
At what you thought you knew.
The pain slowly begins to define,
What it means to be you.


So now I am more pain,
Than human being, breath.
And now my impossible dreams,
Are all that I have left.


So tell me again,
How my words are so weak?
When what I truly want from life,
Can only live in the words I speak.