Accidental Poet

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving    


Thanksgiving Day

A traditional holiday

Beginning with the Pilgrims

From 1621 to today


Thankful to have survived

A perilous journey

On a ship called the Mayflower

Across the open sea


A trip where some

Did not survive

And buried upon land

When there arrived


One year later

The Pilgrims would feast

On local birds called Turkeys

Certainly a tasty beast


Fast forward to today

And for all I give thanks

For my family and health

My job and money in the bank


Friends here

And friends online

For their patience

When at times I need to whine


I’m thankful for time

The many years on this Earth

For the gift of poetry

To write of its worth


So to everyone

For all the joy you’re living

My sincere wish to you

A Happy Thanksgiving


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2015