Carmine Branco


Hear the mellow cry

of the funeral  bells,

their chime  for tell

a chant of deep sorrow. 

They seem to sing

a  slow hymn of peace

and carry their note

through the sky,

across the fields, 

into the homes, 

around the town. 

They play a tune

of truth and sentence

like a judge whom 

allows no appeal. 

They accompany 

the flesh to its final rest

and give a definite ending 

to a story that has no

sentence and nothing 

left to say. 

And as the shadows

give way to dust

and a final stone,

the one löst in it, 

forever humbles

for peace is taking 

that soul home. 

Oblivion is eternal 

and the deluded

go back to a forsaken

life, but it\'s an illusion

for the earth next to mine

will be your ransom. 

Be gentle, be kind 

and close the door behind. 

It\'s cold outside

and you are no greater

than I was before you. 

Inside, the dark will

be true light and the shattered 

Church death bells will keep 

playing their chimes forever more.