Tune: Franconia
(\'Blest are the pure in heart\')
O merciful Jesus
Send light now unto us
Lighten my mind, banish all dark
Song rise as morning lark
Rise from the sanctuary
Of heart, inspired be
By your light, guarding all my thought
In me your grace has wrought
Grant peace to mind and heart
Illumine every part
Strengthen us body, spirit, soul
To be in you made whole
I am dull, formless, void
With sin\'s taint am alloyed
Until your light come to my soul
You my purpose, my goal
Pour forth grace from above
Refresh me with your love
Send dew of heaven to me bless
I your good name confess
Turn me from earth-bound things
They shall pass, e\'en all things
Help me focus on you alone
In you true joys are known