Birddie Jane

Help me


I saw the flag

From day one

Flowing red

And strong 


You didn\'t listen

When I told you 

I\'m not happy here 

Because \"you\'ll pull through\"


So I stayed

But hid in my room

Not just from her

But the rest of the world


I tried to do right

But messed up

once or twice

For her it was enough


Cutting me off

Kicking me out

For the same thing

she does every day


You took her side

Got mad at me

Said I was the problem

And it was all my fault


You took her side

Over mine

Even after 

I called her out 


I had proof 

She was being unfair

And all I wanted

Was an \"I\'m sorry\"


Because I knew 

That this would mean

I could lose

My relationship with you


You are so stubborn

Say I need to be

on my own

Because I\'m an adult


You don\'t let me 

Make my own choices

Even now


You\'ve made many decisions 

That will take me

Down a path

Not meant for me


You are so oblivious 

And it makes me sad

That you don\'t look 

When I give hints


A webpage left open

A poem written

Or song on repeat


I am not happy

I have not been happy

In a very long time


But i smile

And I laugh 

Because you tell me too


My white flag

Waving in the shadows


And alone


Why can\'t you see 

That I am so broken

Lost and scared 



Open your eyes

See me

As I really am


Help me