Alexa Malyn

Moving On.

Yesterday I saw your face again

Watched you light up while you talked about your life

But I noticed that every time I spoke

You just wrote it off

You weren\'t as interested in what I was saying

As I was you

You doubted my dreams

You spoke hate towards others

How have you tricked me into believing

Really, truly believing

That your soul was more pure than mine

I have immense love for humans

So when you say

Wow shes ugly

I sit here in awe, thinking

What if someone said that about you?

Your insecurities have masked your glory.

You think you found the meaning to life

But while you were trying to find it you lost yourself

That\'s the difference between you and I

I have balance

Im nice to everyone I cross paths with

And I fucking love myself

And I fucking love you

I would never belittle someone for something they have done

Because i\'m honest with myself

I know that I\'ve fucked up

I admit my fucking mistakes

I know im better than no one because we are all going to end up dead one day

I know that no matter how much I learn, I will never learn it all

I know my fucking wrongs and I admit my mistakes

Good luck in life, resolving things in anger and hatred

Fuck you for the memories

But I\'m officially done.