

How\'d we end up in this mess,

Livin out here with no Internet?

Others city slickin, livin large,

We\'re mowin five acres of yard.


Wanted some land for the kids to roam,

So they\'d leave the 4 walls of our home .

Instead they lay around and play,

XBOX and watch tv all day.


Nothings goin quite like we planned,

Thought we\'d be doin it hand in hand,

But through it all we\'ve grown apart,

Staying here to save them scars.


Got \'em so wrapped up in sports,

Never have time for chores.

All we ever do is stay on the go,

Always fast, never taking it slow.


Need to fix some things on the property.

Can\'t seem to find the currency.

Digging this whole deeper and deeper in debt,

Afraid we\'ll only end up with regret.


Nothings goin quite like we planned,

Thought we\'d be doin this hand in hand,

But through it all we\'ve grown apart, 

Staying here to save them scars.


