

Face to face with a new unbeatable foe

Counting on each failure to help me grow

Yet they soar past me, left on the ground

Compared to their roar, do I even make a sound?


Giving it everything I have, yet they\'re always one step ahead

Leaving me blown away, barely hanging on by a single thread

While they seem to fly out past the horizon, nearly unreachable

Laying wingless on sinking land, victory becoming inconceivable


I\'ve been kicked and left on the side

Exposed, weaknesses can no longer hide

Hope beat and burning, Fear stands supreme

Infected, Doubts shredding my dearest dreams


Night descends, dark and cold and starless

Time goes on, filled with despair and bleakness

Silence instills, singing a somber song, voiceless

As fury grows, seemingly bound and choiceless


Rising up from my wallows of misery

Rising up as a being within breaks free

Rising up praying to never fall again

Rising up equipped with nothing but a pen


A lion leaps from my soul, casting a roar

To shatter the silence

To release a burning fury

To race alongside time

To end an endless night


A flame sparks the deepest passions of my heart

Consuming my vision, my doubts, carving a path to tomorrow

Climbing over any obstacle, jumping every hurdle

Sometimes failing and falling, forever trying to reach past the horizon

Within every mistake an opportunity to seize and move forward and rise up